Before I begin, I would like to clearly state that Nature is powerful & is to be respected. One must be very clear of WHAT they are harvesting, HOW it was grown [near heavily trafficked roads? sprayed with pesticides?] & how they plan to USE it. Mushrooms are particularly complex & it is imperative that you are 1000% sure of an ID before doing ANYTHING with them. The information I am supplying here consists of my own experiences & the traditional uses of mushrooms/herbs & is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Cheers!
their layered colors resemble the setting sun. They are ‘varnished’ mushrooms, a term used to describe their dry but shiny surface. hemlock reishi's undersides are a beautiful white, but quickly discolor to brown when touched.
to receive all of the benefits they have to offer. Additionally, one can dry & powder the fruiting bodies, then create capsules or enjoy them in teas, ingesting the powder to receive the full benefits, much like with matcha one receives the entire tea leaf. Reishi mushrooms are considered to be one of the most potent medicinal mushrooms & many studies are ongoing into their properties. The Chinese refer to reishi as Ling Chi or the “Mushroom of Immortality” & many studies are currently underway further supporting its medicinal usage. Studies have shown reishi to have strong cancer fighting properties, with their active polysaccharides specifically having been shown to have anti-tumor benefits. Reishi specifically has been shown to promote the healing of wounds & boost growth of fibroblast cells, to have the ability to regulate sugar in the human body, & to work well as a natural antibiotic, even against heavy hitters such as Staph & Strep! Additionally, they work as strong adatogens in the body, helping to relieve anxiety & stress. As these studies document this mushroom's possible applications more & more thoroughly, it is no wonder demand for resishi tinctures & supplements has risen so dramatically. Particularly of interest are its cancer & diabetes treatment potentials. Learn more about reishi & cancer at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center website. If you have located reishi growing & are harvesting them [and are 100% certain of your identification as stated earlier], the simplest way to use them is to dry & powder them, then use them in teas. I am happy to provide deeper info on this process, as well as the double tincturing process, on an individual basis, personally one-on-one. I also have information on locally sourced, dry reishi powder. Please feel free to contact me for further information if you wish.
We also proudly offer Herbal Revolutions Mushroom & Roots Elixir, which contains many medicinal mushrooms including reishi, as well as their Chaga Mushroom Chai Tea Blend, for those looking for finished, ready-to-use products. Both products are amazing quality & help to support the mind & body in many ways. Mushrooms are truly fascinating. There is a deep well of information to learn, with new facts being uncovered constantly. They provide a large sense of unity for all of us with the powerful world of Nature around us. I invite each of you to dive into this pool of knowlegde, either through books or classes like Herbal Academy’s Mushroom Course. Take care, contact me with questions, & until next time -- Don’t forget to #StopAndEatTheFlowers
May 2024